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Coccyx Pain

Forums Health Coccyx Pain

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    • About 3 months ago I started getting severe coccyx pain when I stood up after being sat down. The pain would last for a few seconds on standing and then gradually ease off. It was the type of pain that made me stand up really gradually and took my breath away.
      This has gradually got worse and now I’m in severe pain with it when sitting as well as when I first stand up. I rode for the first time in 3 weeks today (due to flu) and the pain has gotten worse, causing me to tilt my pelvis to try and relieve it. I’ve noticed I’ve started doing this when sitting too. When I rise to the trot, I get the severe pain on rising, like I do when I stand after sitting.

      I don’t recall having an accident or a fall to have triggered this, or indeed do I even remember banging myself. I’m not overweight, so don’t think it’s anything to do with this. Going to ring the GP on Monday, but just curious as to whether anyone has had similar and what was it??

    • I have fractured mine twice but it was very painful when it happened, I fell down three steps the first time, the second time I was walking my dogs and slipped on hard smooth clay at a new pond edge as the dogs had made it wet running on and out.
      I could not sit properly for almost 18 months both times and it delayed my mare being backed by 18 months, as I could not play soccer properly for about the same time.
      It was painful to stand up too.

    • I had a cyst on mine, the Dr took it very seriously and wanted to remove the coxyx! Sadly this would have meant the end of soccer for me, so I refused his kind offer, despite dire warnings that I would one day crawl back to him and beg him to do the operation with the pain.

      No, in fact it got better over time just fine.

    • I’m definitely not aware of doing anything that may have fractured it, but who knows.

      Will see what my GP can come up with.

    • If you have poor posture when sitting that can cause coccyx problems. Or pregnancy/childbirth can affect the ligaments around the coccyx and cause pain.

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      I had this exactly as you described, turned out to be my sacrum and not my coccyx.
      This physio gave me a number of stretches and this one helped immensely:

      It’s unlikely your gp will do anything for any kind of back pain other than pain meds so if you can afford it I can’t recommend enough seeing a physio/ sports injury clinic.

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      You most likely fractured it, I have done it ages ago. Just put a cushion on the chairs and pain killer and it will eventually heal.

    • I’ve broken mine twice (fly lesson from same horse).

      Its takes ages to heal. Get coccyx cushions. They are a godsend – sitting on one right now, even though the last time it got broken was 20 months ago!

    • These type of chairs will take a lot of strain off of your back, as you’re kneeling onto your shins more than sitting on your coccyx all day. Might not be possible to get one in the type of work you do.

      Or as beckye recommended, a coccyx cushion will help a lot it you’re sitting in a normal chair. Even an inflatable swimming ring will work really well.

    • It is such a horrid type of pain isn’t it! Fractured mine and tears would stream down my face whenever I sat or stood. Hope it gets better soon!

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      Following this thread with interest. OP I look forward to hearing how you get on with your GP.

      I had a cyst on mine, the Dr took it very seriously and wanted to remove the coxyx! Sadly this would have meant the end of soccer for me, so I refused his kind offer, despite dire warnings that I would one day crawl back to him and beg him to do the operation with the pain.

      No, in fact it got better over time just fine.

      Can I ask why coccyx removal would mean the end of playing soccer? I badly damaged mine two weeks ago giving birth to my lovely baby and have been in excruciating pain ever since. I was thinking surgery might be my only hope of ever playing soccer again!

    • Just a little update- Went to see my GP, it turns out I had fractured my coccyx and as a result the area is badly inflamed- coccydynia I think it’s called.

      I have been put on high strength painkillers and anti-inflams, have been referred for Physio and then will be having steroid injections into the area.
      Unfortunately the pain has got worse from when I last posted, so it’s definitely not something that’s going to go away on its own. GP inferred that often once a significant amount of damage has been done, it is a life-long condition. I sill have no idea how I fractured it.

    • Glad you got a diagnosis and hope the treatment works for you, your doctor is right that it is a chronic condition. Mine have been ok for a few years but have been very painful for the last week and I don’t know what has aggravated them.

    • I had coccydinia as a teenager after a fall off a horse but thankfully no fracture. I had physio, steroid injections but nothing worked. I then had manipulation of the coccyx done, which frees off all the spasmed muscles, which is what causes the pain. Thankfully the manipulation is done under GA! This was in the late 80’s so I don’t know if this is a treatment that is still offered but it worked wonders.






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