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Could I ask for some advice from any of you experienced runners please? I started the couch to 5k thing a few weeks back. I needed some trainers and went to a shop where they do gait analysis (all good, I’m ‘neutral’) and sold me a pair of Saucony trainers at £90. Cheapest they do but significantly over the budget I had in mind!! First time out I couldn’t wait to get them off as I had something like friction burns on the middle part of the ball of my foot. Took them back and had a pair of Brookes. They rubbed a sore on the back of my heels and my smallest 2 toes went numb. Went back and had my money back as we were straying over £100 mark for any others and I really couldn’t justify that. So went to sportsdirect and bought some ASIC ones, just tried them out and they also gave me this strange rub/burn sensation on the balls of my feet. I am wearing proper running socks. They all feel totally comfy in the shop.
Does anyone know why I’m getting this burning sensation? And how I can fix it? I’m back to running in a pair of lightweight walking boot/trainers, not at all ideal but they don’t rub!!
I get numbness in some standard trainers, running and cross training etc, if I then do a quad stretch holding my foot a satisfying crunch occurs things settle down. I don’t think my feet like the fixed position/forced break over of that sort of trainer and found I am much better with something more minimalist (I use merell bare access), I have wide feet too and these have a larger toe box so my toes can still move. I don’t know if that will help with the rubbing but as you seem to be struggling with ‘standard’ set up it might be worth considering that route?
They look the same as normal trainers just a thinner more flexible sole, no drop from heel to toe and more room for toes!
do you think you have more toe room in what you are using that doesn’t rub?
Thanks soccergal the Brookes were for sure too narrow, but the ASICs and Saucony ones seemed to have plenty of width, in fact I thought that was the problem originally, thought they were too wide/big. I will look at Merrells, and maybe some other lighter types. The ASICs are trail running shoes, but I liked them better than any others in sportsdirect.
My current ‘boots’ are actually smaller than the ASICs, I’d say they have less toe room, and a very thick sole.
Are you wearing them before you start running in them. Maybe your feet need time to get used to them if you aren’t a trainer wearer usually. Also you could try road race trainers. I have a pair of these think they are Peter Merrell. They were about 60 from Tiso and I really like them. They are a bit more like a walking shoe than a trainer.
I wonder if it’s to do with the support level. Asics are quite supportive through the arch – I wear them as my feet are quite flat. Maybe the support is too much for you? And then possible sizing issues with some of the others?
@beckye Thanks – you may have something there as I can feel the support in these and the Saucony ones – I did think this was a good thing but if it’s causing the rubbing then maybe not!
Are you wearing them before you start running in them. Maybe your feet need time to get used to them if you aren’t a trainer wearer usually. Also you could try road race trainers. I have a pair of these think they are Peter Merrell. They were about 60 from Tiso and I really like them. They are a bit more like a walking shoe than a trainer.
@connie Thanks – as said above it may be the over-supportive one that could be the issue I will go back and look for some lighter ones.
Also do not underestimate the sock factor. I ran today in normal socks cos I couldn’t find proper ones and I knew it would end badly. It did
I highly recommend the gentlegrip brand of socks that you can buy from shoewawa – quite pricey but they are really good – no rubbing and no blisters
@lilly I had a pair from the running shop so would hope they are decent – £8 a pair, no brand name that I can see on them though. I feel a bit of a fraud right now as I’m only up to a 3 min run! But if the shoes kill after 20 mins of walk/run with 3 min burst of running then I’m not going to make much progress. I really, really need for this to work. I am SO unfit. Meeting at a local running club with a huge number of others at a similar stage has been very motivating.
When I had my gait analysis done a few weeks ago, I got to try out all the trainers they recommended on the treadmill before I chose a pair. I went straight out that evening and ran 5km in the ones I chose, no problem at all and no breaking in required. Previously I was running in some cheaply ones from Sports Direct. My new ones are new balance – I am also a neutral runner.
Could you go back to a different gait analysis place and test some out before you buy?
You could also try some insoles. I’ve just ordered some Footreviver insoles for my hiking boots which give me blisters on the balls of my toes. They are supposed to be suitable for running too.
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