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Reply To: Jose Mourinho: Manchester United sack manager

Forums General Banter Jose Mourinho: Manchester United sack manager Reply To: Jose Mourinho: Manchester United sack manager





I could make various jokes, being a Liverpool fan, but I’m not going to.

It’s very tough to see your team being pulled apart, becoming a laughing stock and falling from its perch. I know this from our own experiences. At first you feel that just one or two changes could get you back to where you were, then you think a new regime will get you there etc. etc. In the end you have to go through the emotional change curve before you realize that the good old days are gone and you have to start building again for the future rather than living in the past. Liverpool has been through this, and while there are plenty of fans still living in the past we have acknowledged that we are not what we were and things are now very different.

Watching your team play poorly time after time when you know deep down they should be capable of doing better is really tough for a fan. It will be interesting to see what happens next as someone who doesn’t support MU. I would imagine that the next 12 months could see a rebuilding or could sink you deeper into the mire.