@cat yes I’ve not heard great things either. I rang the ward this morning to fin out how he was as they kept him in overnight and the nurse said that he was with the Orthaepedic Consultant but it looks likely that he would be undergoing surgery sometime today. I’m at work as there is nothing I can do and I don’t expect they will discharge him anytime soon. Looks like it was Septic Arthritis after all.
UPDATE: Visited last night. He said they had taken him down to theatre and drained 103ml of fluid from his knee under local anaethetic.He said that the first three or four draws were yellowy liquid that the consultant said looked like gout. The last draw right at the end had blood in it which he said was the one he wanted the lab to have as he felt that showed infection.
Last night partners temp was 39.1 and he kept fluctuating between dripping in sweat to acting like he was in Alaska! He managed to walk with a frame to the loo but said it took him forever. It still really hurts him. They are keeping him in a couple of days. He does I suppose eat a lot of sugary stuff. But apart from half a pint of beer on both xmas day and new years eve thats practically all he has all year. However he does get stressed and is also on salicylate tablets and has high blood pressure so these are all factors of gout. However I still think it might be S.A but am really hoping its not! Will know more when I visit tonight. Taking phone charger too so we can stay in contact!
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by