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Forums Health Any sciatica experts? Reply To: Any sciatica experts?

I get sciatica badly from a large prolapse. I am on gabapentin/nuerontin but although it works during the day -overnight by morning its awful. Gabapentin is a nerve pain medication and very effective. Last 2 nights tried sleeping with a pillow between my knees and it was amazing when i woke this morning. Hardly felt a thing. Also when we moved to new house 2 yrs ago we bought a bed mattress from bensons on the recommendatiin of a friend as the one we had was too soft and that made a huge diffetence to sciatic pain as did hers. There are exercises u can do. Uf its worse say on left side sit on edge of bed/chair and rest left ankle on upper surface of right leg between right knee and thigh and then gently touch left knee and push towards floor. This will strengthen and stretch piriformis muscle.