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Reply To: Do men like independent women?

Forums General Banter Do men like independent women? Reply To: Do men like independent women?

@Jack There’s something inside me which really doesn’t want to believe that, except of course, I do.

Thinking about this entire thread — would it be true that there is often one side of a relationship which tends to dominate? Would it be wrong that there’s one partner who tends to have the louder voice in the major decisions?

I’ve been thinking about my relationship with my wife and there are undoubtably those sections or parts of our relationship where I tend to be dominant, but then considering the other facets, it is she who holds sway …. and I find that I acquiesce.

Then of course, do we face the contest and accept that we’ll be prepared to lose the odd battle —— though not the war?

  • This reply was modified 7 years ago by avatar-image DavidSss .