Plantar fasciitis
A guide on what you need to know about Plantar fasciits from symptoms to ways to treat and prevent it. I have written this small guide because I thought it would be very helpful to us soccer players as plantar fasciitis is a very common injury that affects quite a lot of soccer players.. it is a foot injury after all and we do use our feet a lot!
In soccer our feet are really important.. after all its them that we use to actually kick a ball with so looking after our feet is really important.. Plantar fasciitis is a really annoying foot injury that can often catch out even the professionals and can leave them on the bench for some times months before they can get back on the pitch….
So what is plantar fasciitis and how do you prevent or if you are suffering from it cure it? Well plantar fasciitis is a common foot injury that mostly affects athletes (soccer players included) or people who are overweight. Plantar fasciitis is a condition that is caused by inflammation or tearing of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that connects your heel to the middle foot bone. The plantar fascia is needed to support your arch of your foot and is incredibly strong in order to carry your body weight and cope with the stress and strains caused by running, walking or jumping… but if these strains, pressures or shocks become to much for the the plantar fascia to handle it can result in inflammation of even tears which is plantar fasciitis. If you have got it you usually suffer from pain in the Achilles tendon heel or arch area. One of the main symptoms of plantar fasciits is pain in the arch of the foot however often sufferers will get other symptoms such as heel spurs. To stop further damage your body will react and form heel spurs a small hard growth on the effected area.
Causes of plantar fasciitis
You would not expect a condition that affects the most fittest also affects the most unhealthiest but it is true… However where athletes will often get plantar fasciitis from overuse of the feet people whom are overweight will often get plantar fasciitis because of under use of the feet causing them to become weaker than they should and with the extra strain their body weight means it is often too much for their plantar fascia”s to handle. As you get older the plantar fascia tissue gets weaker and less resistance and flexibility which increases your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Sport often includes lots of sudden sharp movements and shocks that can create irritation and damage to the plantar fascia also not stretching before exercise will mean you are far more likely to tear the plantar fascia tissue. Soccer players are very susceptible to plantar fasciitis due to the manner of soccer… kicking the ball being tackled and even running all carries risks to the plantar fascia having the right footwear and protection is key if you are playing sports like soccer to reduce the risk of over using or damaging the plantar fascia. Being on your feet all day can be with hazardous, without giving your feet a rest could mean you could be putting them in danger as pressure builds up under your sole created by your body weight pressing down on your feet and arches over long periods of time this may also weaken them increasing the risk of tears and inflammation. People with over or under pronating feet will often have a higher chance of developing plantar fasciitis due to the fact that their arches are less stable and thus able to cope with strain and can more easily become inflamed or tear.
There are many ways and things that you can do that can help prevent this condition or if you are currently suffering from it help to your body heal faster. Pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs can be a good way to ease symptoms and pain but if you do not tackle the underlining cause of the plantar fasciitis you may soon find it comes back or never properly heals at all. Try your best not to wear ill fitting shoes that are either to big or to small. Shoe that are to big for you may cause movement whilst wearing them resulting in rubbing which can cause inflammation. To tighter shoes cause circulation problems and they maybe forcing your feet into positions that can be damaging. Heel pads help to spread pressure build up the pressure, shock absorbing insoles will actively absorb the shock before it can do damage. Arch support insoles many of which will have heel pad and shock absorbing features built into them will also provide you with extra arch support to take off some of the strain your arches go through. Insoles are commonly used if one is suffering form plantar fasciitis as a means of reducing the likelihood of further injuring the plantar fascia by keeping off strain and pressures which could impede recovery. There are many places online that you can buy a pair of these arch support insoles for instances . Try to look out for a pair that are made out of gel as this material is the best for absorbing shock and spreading pressure. Custom insoles arent needed if you buy a pair gel insoles simply for the fact that gel insoles mold to foot and arch shape plus they will actually adapt to changing movements whereas custom insoles are fixed in one shape and cannot do this. You can also do foot exercise such as placing one foot on a step and trying to raise your body up and down which will strengthen the muscles surrounding the plantar fascia. Whether you are a soccer player or not I hope this little guide will atleast help you better understand what Plantar fasciitis is and how to prevent it.